Thursday, January 19, 2006

How do you...

How do you find yourself when you are lost? Well, I guess I don't mean "how do you, personally, find yourself." It's more like...I feel lost right now, and I'm having difficulty finding my way. I recently made a life decision to change my living arrangements, and my mother disapproves. That's cool...she's not going to approve of everything I do, and I accept that. However, every time I speak with her now, she says something that reiterates her disappointment, or her expectation of my failure, or, well, something that just needles me. Because of this, I can't seem to get over needing her approval, or at least for our relationship to return to normal.

I don't know. Not talking to my mom isn't an option, she's my best friend. I haven't let her opinions sway me, mostly because I know that I'm supposed to be growing and doing things for myself, and doing them my way. But this conflict is affecting my mood, and the mood of the folks around me. At least...I hope that's what's affecting my mood, cuz if it isn't...well, that's another blog entirely.


Blogger Quilled One said...

It can be hard for a parent to assume the role of supportive family member instead of "parental authority who always knows best and rules all"...

You need to point out to her that while she disapproves, she has to support you if she wants to have a friendship with you at all. It's not going to work no matter how hard you try if she doesn't respond in kind.

Sunday, January 22, 2006 5:02:00 PM  
Blogger Jaime said...

Thanks, Quill. Btw, I read your blog a few months ago. Congrats on the new job!

Thursday, January 26, 2006 12:13:00 PM  
Blogger Deadpool said...

Here is a thought. "If you can longer recognize the man(the young woman-oh that is a stretch-LMAO) in the mirror, then you need to find where you left yourself."

Other than that, keep perservering and striving to make the best decision for yourself based on the options availabe to you. Only time will truly tell you are Y are right, wrong, misguided, or just a life lesson.
All parents wnat to steer their children away from life lessons no matter how old the "child" is. Most of them are hard, and leave scars one way or the other.

Saturday, March 11, 2006 1:12:00 PM  

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