Thursday, August 19, 2004

The First Letter from the Desk of Councilor Vinnie

This is basically to understand my friend Steve's enjoyment and mental release(therapy) that he said he uses these blogs for. I am not exactly happy with Steve right now, nor Bucky. The reason is silly to other people, but to me it was kind of important. I had been meaning to bring it up to him. But the last to times I saw him we were having to much fun to remember to bitch at him or Bucky about it. I found out recently that I was removed from the bugjuice webpage. If you don't believe me you can check it out, not even an honorable mention in bugjuice, nor was my animal pal. HE WAS PISSED! Now you try dealing with a pissed off, nine hundred pound horny gorilla that is pissed off because the rest of his tribe just dissed him. I just took it as an oversight because I was once a prominent(and proud) member of Bugjuice webpage(in no way associated with Disney or Nickelodeon.) So I am writing this so that I can get an answer from them about this deletion of my character from their lives and from being viewed as one of the elite by people who visited the webpage. Besides, my e-mail address,, means THE ONE and COUNCIL means all my friends are just as special and unique. I made this blog able to receive comments so I expect to get some dammit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its Jay... dude that is some fucked up shit!!!!!! Ok now time to ramble. (lights a cigeret) I gotta get a hair cut... its 8:30am and I'm not drunk. Mickey Mouse fucks my shit up! Seariously! But Donald is still a pimp. I watched the olympics last night. Just a thought on the USA's girls gymnastics team. I was watching Carley Patterson (she got da fat ass!)and her una-tard or leo-tard or what ever the hell it is, that is on her real tight like. Do you think that if she farted her outfit would explode? She would be nude... that would be hot! OK so everyone check my web page and dont forget to sign the guest book!!!! that is all for now. Snooch to tha nooch!

Friday, August 20, 2004 8:54:00 AM  
Blogger Scott said...

I didn't even notice. I haven't visited the BJ site in a while, but Steve needs to correct that shit. Any man, take it easy.

Friday, August 20, 2004 2:59:00 PM  
Blogger Deadpool said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

Sunday, August 22, 2004 9:22:00 PM  
Blogger Deadpool said...

This was also just a kidding Post.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004 7:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave speakin'. Not to sound like I'm harpin' or anything on the "bloggerites" because I'm not. My own personal interests do not include blogs, so making a name for one seems a lil' wasteful, since I may not even check it that often. This also goes for the BugJuice webpage. Joke or not, Vince.......I'm one of those "proud" members, but I haven't checked the site in like........It's 2004, right? Yeah, around the neighborhood of one year. It's not the recognition of the site I look at as a prominent place of claiming ones place in BugJuice. I think you're a think you're a member.....Truth is it's not really a membership to begin'RE A FRIKKIN' MEMBER!!!......Now.....hopefully, this time, I replied to the right "bloggerite."

Wednesday, October 06, 2004 7:43:00 PM  

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