Monday, October 25, 2004

Shameless self-promotion

HI! It's the Hizzy with her world-famous 'shameless self-promotion plea of the month'.

For those of you who don't know, I manage a heavy metal band here in St. Louis. Anyway, we have a show at Pops on Halloween night. So if those of you on the council don't have any plans and are just planning on sitting at home, watching Night of the Living Dead, and stuffing popcorn and Cheetos in your mouths, get off the couch and come to Pop's in Sauget, IL. Tickets are 6 dollars and there are 6 local bands playing, including mine. That's a buck a band people. You'd go see a great band and a mediocre opener for 25+, so 6 bucks shouldn't break you. Everyone from the council who comes, I will buy you a beer/beverage of your choice. I have to know you though, none of this "I brought my second cousin. He reads the council blog, can he have a beer" bullcrap.

If you would like tickets or to inquire more about the show, go ahead and IM me. I'm AndreaG881 on AIM and vulgardisplay1981 on Yahoo

That is all. I now return you to your regularly scheduled blog, already in progress



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