Sunday, October 31, 2004


People as a whole are greedy of one thing or another,they just do not see it.Yes we all know about the ones who want money or possessions,but what about the ones that want your time,or the ones that are greedy for praise or attention.These are the ones that are the worst ,the people that do not let you have time to yourself or just get in the way of life itself.Like the guy the is telling you about his whole life story while you just want to grab a soda and leave.You do not want to be rude,yet you have to go and then you are put in a awkward sate.As social beings we are limited to what is acceptable behavior,like we are not supposed to yell at the guy "YOU JUST WASTED 10 MINUTES OF MY LIFE YOU F***ING IDIOT!!!FOR THAT YOU WILL PAY!!!"That seems to be the wrong way to handel the situation.So is shooting him in the foot and running away laughing.But sometimes it just seems like the right thing to do go figure. Like here is another one that happened just last night: A guy was beating himself up by trying to make me bend to his rules about a subject and in his own experiences it was correct,but it has now changed and that is what I was going by.I looked at this guy and thought "Wow so this is what a person looks like when they cannot see outside the box.What a shame."As most of the council already knows I think outside the box as far as I can while still seeing the box.I try to be as impartial as I can,on most subjects I will be right down the middle.But when I have made a decision on something I stick with it for as long as it is still right to me.I just realized that this is the longest blog I have done in a long time.And here I usually try to keep it short and to the point,damnit I guess that I will just have to make the next blog that I do just that much shorter.
Well thank you for your time and have a pleasant day or F*** off the choice is yours,and yours alone.


Blogger Sheryl said...

See before it expires.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004 10:33:00 AM  

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