Monday, October 25, 2004

Life Is To Short.....

Ok I know everyone has heard this before that life is to short! Well its true. You cant sit there and worrie about what might happen. I for one know what that is like. All it will do is drive you insane. Frankly that is not a way to live. I have had to learn that the hard way. Some how or another I have gotten through it. I still worrie but I'm human, and its only natural to worrie. If you never worried then I would be worried about you.

I dont care how tough you think you are everyone worries. Wethere you are just an average Joe, or a soldier in the military everybody worries. So just try to relax and live life to its fullest you never know when it will be the last time. Hugs and Kiss for all. Take care.


Blogger Quilled One said...

Every day that you get out of bed to do your thing, there are a million and one different bad things that could happen to you. Also, even if you DON'T get out of bed, there are STILL a million and one things that could happen to you.

This being the case, there's just no sense in living your life in fear or in worry. Cape diem, "Sieze the day." The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself. Worry about the things you can control. What you can control is how you roll with the punches and deal with what life throws at you.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004 3:05:00 PM  

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