Thursday, September 14, 2006

Alone in a Crowd

That title sums up what a few of us have been going through. One thing that I have found out in my life is that I hate being alone. Truly alone.
Sure we all need space from time to time but as a race of social beings we are not meant to be alone. People keep asking me why I have five Aces on my arm "Because life ain't fair."is what I say, but come on people just because life is a bitch does not mean we have to make it worse! In the end all we do is tear each other apart,and for what the gloating rights of OH LOOK AT ME I AM RIGHT AND YOU ARE A DUMB ASS, when all we need is a bit of support. It all just makes a caring person want to howl in frustration at the masses to just open their eyes! And it makes the uncaring just that more entrenched in their ways. How are we to help improve life if we don't care about it at all? And I don't want to hear that old cop out of it was broke before I got here or why should I fix what they broke, if you draw breath then you have a duty to make things better if only by a smile every now and then! That's it I am done for now comment or don't it is your choice, just think about what I am saying here before you condemn it as garbage.


Blogger Quilled One said...

Shark is right. We should all take the time to help others, and be forgiving, and be at least civil to each other...because even someone you don't get along with has days where they need a smile or some encouragement.

To all in the council here, past or present, I say best of luck with everything, and if you need to talk, I am here.

Monday, September 18, 2006 12:52:00 PM  
Blogger Jaime said...

I read a quote somewhere that was said to make people happy in bad times and sad in joyous ones. It went something like, "This, too, will pass."

Yeah...when things are lonely and rough, it sucks. But it WILL get has to. Life is just a cycle of goods and bads...and eventually things will be back on the upswing and you won't be alone and you will be happy. You just have to be patient and have faith.

At least...this is what I've been telling myself lately...

Friday, October 06, 2006 12:05:00 PM  

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