Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Oh really...

Oh, you know that it is on and popping now Phoenix. That stupid Tickle test for our IQ is so off, and we both know it. I took it again, this time I said I was a college graduate, answered exactly the same, and got a 131. Now the first time I said I was a high school dropout and got a 126. I find that extremely biased. But we all know that this Council is smart as well regardless of what anyone believes. We have all proved ourselves to be the best ONE, at one thing or another. You have an intellect like no other, so broad in the range of anything and everything that she can cover or add to any ideas that we have. Kind of like our anchor/sounding board.

The Voice is a scientific whiz, especially in the field of physics, calculus, trigonometry, and meta-physics. Also one of my oldest friends, that I have only known a short time. That is not as much of an oxymoron as it sounds. Real friends understand that more than anyone else would.
K is one hell of a people person, and also the newest person to the council. She is quickly becoming the strongest link for this Council, and is someone that I care deeply for, and not just as a friend.

My special gift is people, women in especial. Yes that is grammatically correct. English(American as The Voice says,) comes naturally to me. It was set by the college I attended as my minor because of my scores.
"Hang up my playas card..." The Voice wrote. I have done it before for less worthy women because I am a scientist at heart, and testing hypothesis about relationships and women. I have not always chosen the right women, but I had to take random samples from the population. Thus the teacher, the college student, the hood rat, the good girl, the freak. Then there are the woman that became the experiments, the rapper, the shrink, the nurse, the doctor(pediatrician,) the accountant, the police officer(now in the Secret Service in downtown St. Lou guarding the reserve,) the army girl(now a Lt.Col,) the married woman(who caught me tripping.) Then, there was the mother, the lesbians(it was a couple,) the twins (though not Japanese.) Then there was Nikki, she was the girl I lost my virginity to (if it can be called that for a male,) and took hers. That was a special hypothesis. It was delving into that bad girl she had become who said she was never into me and was over whatever she felt. That became fun simply because I loved to watch her front when in the presence of "her man." Then breaking down, even in front of her friends at the sight of me biting another woman in front of her. That taught me many things about the female species, especially how to hurt them, nut not to help and heal them. Incredibly smart, sexy, strong, volatile, talented, driven and ambitious being you will ever meet, all willing giving control over themselves, their emotions, and possibly their futures.
This is my message to all women, don't do that SHIT! Please, I need a woman for myself who is self reliant, who will be my partner, not a servant. That is what I have learned from my experiments. So ends the lesson on women. I can't tell you anything about men, they have never rated high enough for me to have an interest in.


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