Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Just take a deep breath....

Now if we all can just take a deep breath in ...............................................................and out slowly.Good now count to ten 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10,and let us all start over again.Hello I am the one called Shark ,what is your name?You see people we are trapped by the past no matter how we say we are not we are.I myself just sent an email out that should have waited until I checked the blogs.Quill while we have had our differences in the past cant we just leave the past there were it belongs?Just agree to disagree and drop it.The last part of the email was abit harsh,for those of you who do not know I said word for word"Sorry you feel this way and no matter what I say you will not change your thoughts to accept things as they are so while I say thank you for not wanting me dead,go fuck yourself in the nicest way possible.Have a nice day."
This was not the nicest thing for me to say,and it was not thought out.Apon reflection,and reading many of our blogs and responces,I have come to the conclusion that we all need to make a clean break with past problems and start anew.Here is a great example:Angel and I are now making great progress at just surviving our marrige,just recently we had an"interesting problem"with which we could have devorced over,but to everyones surprize we are working things out.Becuase of the power of just letting go.As many can tell you things could have gone very badly,but it didn't becuase I was there to help her in any way I could.It took alot out of me to hold myself in check but I did and it was the right thing for me to do.Make of this what you will but my message is clear to those with open eyes,and hearts.


Blogger Quilled One said...

We all say and do things out of anger. The harsh words at the end of your email were taken with that in mind. Don't worry. If you know nothing else about me, it's that I have always been of fair-temper. As I said to Angel69, I can never predict how I will feel about things in the future. I am happy to hear that you and Mandy are working things out; it doesn't matter if everyone thinks you should have been more pissed or just left, all that matters is if YOU and Mandy think it can work and you love each other.

I do appreciate the public apology for being so harsh, though. I also apologize for things said out of anger.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004 9:14:00 AM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

One more thing, man...I understand your points about letting go. Letting things go can put to rest alot of issues. But, for some people, certain things can't just be dropped as if they never took place. I mean, they can still be put to rest, but not leave the picture without having it's effect. For example, if someone killed a member of my family, well, that person is shit-listed forever as far as I'm concerned, I can never "let go" with that and would never even accept an apology. Now, that's an extreme example, but I use extreme examples to illustrate my points. I'm just saying, the concept of letting go does not always apply to everyone, it depends on the person, and what said person is willing to forget about.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004 12:03:00 PM  

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