Sunday, October 10, 2004

...message pending a decision...

I post this in leui of a decision that I still need to discuss with Deadpool. I am uncertain when I will be able to communicate with the Merc next, or whether I will be able to post this at a later time. So, while it's on my mind:

@The Voice; Deadpool; Pheonix; K - I have enjoyed your comments and your insight on this Council. Thank you for accepting my opinions and rolling with me.

@Shark - Although we are not friends; I nonetheless respect what you do, I still respect what once was in the past between us, and I wish you all the luck in the world with your future, your family, and anything else you encounter. I wish you safe return from Iraq. I have forgiven you for what transpired (despite our disagreements over what happened).

@Angel69 - Yet another opportunity to interact with me in a civil manner squandered by you. For you, I wish that you would learn from your mistakes, so that in the future, you don't turn people off in the way that seems to be your habit. However, as far as you and I are concerned, it's still the way it has always been, and will continue to be indefinitely. Some will not agree with this; but nonetheless, it's MY judgment to make, and I have made it.

@Dante - You have done things that I respected and not respected during the time that I've known you and known OF you. I have no direct beef with you. (Other than you're a Bush-supporting, cheating guy, that is.)

@Cheri - I don't know who you are; I've haven't seen you post anything. However, you are a Council member, and I address you and wish you well.


Blogger Jaime said...

This almost sounds like a goodbye post...I hope, however, that it isn't and thank you for the well wishes.

Sunday, October 10, 2004 5:29:00 PM  
Blogger Daniel C. said...

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Sunday, October 10, 2004 6:12:00 PM  
Blogger Daniel C. said...

It is sad how people who were once very close grow apart, but that is life. I remember when Quill and Shark were great friends... but things change I guess. I myself have always tried to be neutral... never wanting to take one friend's side over another, but even doing that has been tiresome. Someone came to me the other day and as usual the topic of conversation came to Bug-juice goings on. This person said "Do you ever notice that when Quill is pissed or upset at someone, he will try to turn everyone in the group against that person."
I replied with a "Yes, I have noticed that, but aren't you doing the same thing to him right now? Aren't you trying to make me feel that Quill is wrong and that I should be angry at him too? All that we have talked about is how Quill does this and that, and those things are wrong... Isn't that the exact same thing as what you say he does?"
The person realized I was right and dropped the subject...

I have noticed that it seems that the major dispute has always been relationships or problem with one’s mate.
I wish that things could go back to where people didn't have to worry about if their friends approve of their girlfriends or boyfriends or fiancées... Well actually thinking about it, it has never been that way. People in this group have always told the others exactly what they think of there significant others, good, bad, or otherwise.
People, Who a person decides to be with or not is not a personal insult to you, though some of you take it that way. They are not with this person just to piss you off or see what you think of them. They are with them because they quite possibly love them. Compared to that a friends opinion of the significant other doesn't even compare. For example, when Quill was dating his now wife... if people said "That person is wrong for you." the answer would have been "Fuck You!" As it should be. So why would it be any different for ant other friend?
Many of you are lucky to have a significant other... someone who you can talk to, cry to, hold, and kiss, whatever. You should be happy that one of your friends has found that too. The only time a friend should speak ill of someone’s mate is if that mate has possibly done harm to your friend.

Anyway... Why did I post this here???


Sunday, October 10, 2004 6:32:00 PM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

****This person said "Do you ever notice that when Quill is pissed or upset at someone, he will try to turn everyone in the group against that person."
I replied with a "Yes, I have noticed that, but aren't you doing the same thing to him right now?****

Ok. I have never tried to sway public opinion against another person. I do, however, voice my opinion, and my personal reasons for feeling the way I do. But I have never asked anyone to hate anyone else for reasons that are my own. I have done everything to avoid that; I have told people, "It's cool with me if you're friends with *whoever*; I just don't like them, but that's me, not you." Repeat: I have NEVER lobbied for anyone to hate someone just because I disliked them.

I figured that some people still thought that I try to be a 'leader' and get people to follow along with me. It's just not the truth. Not at all.

My qualms with Shark have nothing to do with his wife. Absolutely nothing. My qualms with Erich now have nothing to do with his fiance; again, absolutely nothing. I won't air all that here on a public forum, I will be happy to explain, Question, just email me.

I would like to also state that if someone had a problem with Heather, I wouldn't just say, "Fuck you!". It would depend on what the situation is. If Heather was mistreating my friends, or being a bitch to my friends, that's a problem that I would bring to her. I wouldn't ditch my friends for Heather. I also wouldn't ditch Heather for my friends. I could no more have Heather mistreating my friends than I could my friends mistreating Heather. End statement.

Monday, October 11, 2004 7:51:00 AM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

By the way...Question, thank you for the defense. I appreciate that.

Monday, October 11, 2004 8:32:00 AM  
Blogger Deadpool said...

I am right there with you question(still wish I knew who the hell ou were,) but I have to look at that Quill is just more of an extrovert than the rest of us. He has always been a Lone Ranger, reveled in being somewhat a black sheep among us introverts. For no matter what we do in the outside world, how many of US(BJ,Council)speak our true minds, even to each other. Not that he is trying to rally a cause, I have seen him rally a cause( noth this current Kerry one) and that can be scary. We all just need to try to be more civil and understanding to one another at all times.

Welcome Cheri, I will take this as your first post, since you haven't actually posted yet. What was with the wierd e-mail from your friend. It came through all garbled.

Monday, October 11, 2004 8:34:00 AM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

It seems I have more support on this Council than I originally thought. In light of this, decision is suspended.

Monday, October 11, 2004 10:46:00 AM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

I just realized...Cheri talked to me first on this cool is that? Thanks for the response Cheri!

Welcome to the Council Chambers.

Monday, October 11, 2004 10:51:00 AM  
Blogger Jaime said...

Thanks for the warm welcome. Btw,'s ok if the message came through garbled...the way she sent it was garbled. You know how she is in the early morning...

Monday, October 11, 2004 11:05:00 AM  
Blogger Shark said...

wait,wait,wait,wait a minute!!Are you telling me that Steve just popped out a Cheri?!?!?LOL

Oh and Pool,the Question is known by a Marx Bros name,ask Pheonix.

Monday, October 11, 2004 11:42:00 AM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

Monday, October 11, 2004 1:22:00 PM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

I guess anonymity is important, but it’s ok to give clues to one’s identity as long as it’s just cryptic enough to fool people who wouldn’t get it anyway? If THAT'S the case:

Quill’s last name is a geography term…
Someone's last name rhymes with ‘burrito’…

Monday, October 11, 2004 1:24:00 PM  
Blogger Deadpool said...

Quill's ha got to be...Continent then, it is a geography term. But I though his last name was like a city? Oh, well, shows what I know!

Saturday, October 16, 2004 8:45:00 PM  

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