Saturday, December 18, 2004

My Christmas List

I finally finished. I just hope I didn't mail it too late...

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Question for the parents out there...

Did you think your baby was beautiful when he/she was born and if so, were you biased? LOL...just a random thought (my sister just had her first baby).

Going Under the Knife

Hey all I just wanted everyone to wish me luck when I go under the knife on Tuesday. Its no big thing just getting my knee worked on. I hate going under so much but I know this has to be done if I want to feel better. Shark I know you can't be here for me, but you will be in my heart. I really hope everything goes ok. Well wish me luck.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Please Pray for Me

It's finals week at school and my stress level is likely to go through the roof. Someone pray for me...not only do I need to pass, but I need to not lose my mind and go off on some of these bitches I go to school with. Pray for me, someone! LOL...