Wednesday, September 22, 2004

...oh please...council of cowards...

This is funny. Funny in the extremely sad sense. Guess what...I'm Nick Gass, I did that to fuck with our buddy Beaver. In an attempt to sound like an evil-kid-genius mastermind, I did the first name last initial bit. Immature? Yeah, it is. But do you want to know what's even more immature and ridiculous? The concept of, "Oh no, we can't possibly reveal our REAL first names, that would expose us to the world and make us all vulnerable!!!"

Yeah....right. I have a nickname, it's The Quilled One. Or, sometimes, Quill, or King of Quill. But my real name is (get ready all you people wanting to expose me and attack me, because here it comes...) is Steve. Steve P., to be precise. Stephen P., if you want to be more technical. Oh man, I really fucked myself, didn't I? Some evil organization is going to be able to expose me or something now, right guys? Come on, grow some fucking balls, it's a first name that you share with hundreds and thousands of other people around the globe. Better not say your first name on the street or in a public place too loud, right? Because we here on the council (and I'm probably not going to be for very much longer after this post; but oh well) are so important that we are in danger if anyone knew our real names. Yeah, right. Bullshit.

And, yeah, I know everything I'm saying might make you guys think, "So it WAS Steve, he was this Question guy all along!! We knew it!!" Well, sorry guys...I was Nick Gass, but I wasn't The Question. I would swear that on a thousand bibles in a church in front of every holy man in existance too, on my life and lives of everyone in my family, and on the souls of every lost child as a result of kidnappings and murders.

But, carry on with the hiding behind the nicknames. As if it's really THAT important.


Blogger Daniel C. said...

I have not used anyones real name since Phoenix asked me not too...
All of a sudden I'm being threatened for something I didn't do... I think I missed something

Thursday, September 23, 2004 12:18:00 AM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

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Thursday, September 23, 2004 7:55:00 AM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

Fine...I will refrain from using your guys' first names...(Pussies...) :)

In case the smile didn't tip you off...I am being jestful there.

Thursday, September 23, 2004 8:29:00 AM  

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