Monday, October 18, 2004

...another decision thwarted LOL; I'm back...

As touched on below, my earlier post was an exercise in futility. I had removed my admin status, and gone back to being a regular councilman. That was only the case for about, um, five minutes. Deadpool re-instated me immeadiately. He prevented admin suicide basically LMAO! At any rate, I'll say this: I 'get' what this Council is supposed to be about, per V's vision and advocations. I would sacrifice my admin status in a heartbeat if I thought it would save this Council from even one more bickering fight. As an admin, I have that responsibility and I take it very seriously. When you're an admin, you can change the look of the site, edit other members' posts, and even remove them. If you on the council see a problem with me having this kind of authority, voice your opinions here and I will try to calm your nerves. In the end, however, our CHEIF councilor, Deadpool, the King of Q-Town has seen worth in The King Of Quill weilding that right.