Monday, October 18, 2004

...decisions out of necessity...

Fellow Council members...I was thrilled that you all finally gave me respect, figured out my deal with posting and accepted it for what it was: very fair and liberal opinions. I was even more honored and thrilled that Deadpool chose ME, one of the members surrounded by the most controversy, to be one of the administrators. However, council member Shark didn't like this, as he so stated. I have removed myself as an administrator. Let me explain why:

Deadpool has a vision for this Council; a vision that I understand all too well. BugJuice used to be a collective of some of the greatest friends I could ask for; things have BJ lately, so I know how V could get upset about all the bickering and fighting on his creation, the Council Chambers. I was faced with the choice: either be locked in animosity with Shark over my admin status (which for some reason, he didn't take kindly to) or be the bigger man and solve the problem.

I have chosen to be the man.

I did this because I believe in V's vision for his creation, and I will do everything I can to avoid it's ruin. Up to and including sacrificing the admin status so that Shark isn't upset, despite whether he's justified or not.

If Deadpool feels that I am truly deserving of admin status, he can re-instate me as such and I will gladly accept the title as I did before. I will leave this decision completely up to Deadpool, for this is HIS Council, and HE deems who is fit to be admin and who isn't. NO ONE else has a say in making those calls.

@Fellow Bug Juicers: I realize you joined the Council because you saw I was admin, and it was a leap of faith that you guys wouldn't be dogged on like I had been. Please, have a little faith in Deadpool's vision; it's a good place, or at least it's intention is such, and I ask you guys not to just leave because of my decision. My voice has not been silenced; I just choose now to be the adult in this to avoid more bullshit.

@Shark: Congratulations on YOUR admin status...

Vince, I'm sorry for causing yet ANOTHER conflict on this Council, albeit indirectly and unintentionally.

*I had removed myself from admin; Vince re-instated me before I even got this finished posting. I left this post up because I believe it shows my attitude toward the Council in general...*


Blogger Deadpool said...

Ha! I win you lose!

So Say the King of Q-Town!

Monday, October 18, 2004 10:24:00 AM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

Much respect to the King of Q-Town from a neighboring soveriegn, The King Of Quill.

Things on this Council changed three times in FIVE MINUTES because of you and I. HA HA, that's great!

Monday, October 18, 2004 10:54:00 AM  
Blogger Shark said...

What the fuck are you babbleing about? I never said anything about you being an admin one way or another!

Tuesday, October 19, 2004 4:36:00 AM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

I know was a misunderstanding that both Deadpool and I took wrong about something you said in your blog.

Don't worry about it, it was all sorted out.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004 7:47:00 AM  

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