Wednesday, October 13, 2004

"I Support Our Troops"

Is it just me, or are others of you getting sick of seeing these magnetic "ribbons" spouting how proud they are of our troops?

Everytime I see one of them I yell out, "Yay! I support an unnecessary war!" (ala Special Ed.)

Please don't misunderstand, I can appreciate people putting their lives on the line for our country, but the reasons we are there are totally unnecessary.

The fact that people buy these things bothers me. And the fact that some sick bastard is cashing in on this is even more disturbing.

I guess I just posted this here because this blog seems like the political platform.

And on a side note: Why the fuck can't anyone here spell? There's even a spell check included on the poster. Please use it. When you're trying to make a big point and you spell the word "Imagine" as "Imagen" (Married = Merried), you shouldn't be allowed to use a keyboard. Please! Stop giving us headaches!


Blogger Shark said...

But I like to decrypt the spelling on my down time from the unnessary war that I am fighting here.And while yes this has been the most,how should I say this,merchindized war to date it still is good for us over here to see people supporting the men and women that are here by choise.Everyone here had many chances to say no or to just quit,but they decided to support the decision of the President that was supported by Congress to wage a war agianst terrism.That war has just happened to be held for the most part in Iraq,But no one has said shit about Afganistan,Bosnai,or Croatia where we are fighting the same war against terrists!

Wednesday, October 13, 2004 6:37:00 AM  
Blogger Shark said...

You do not have to support the war to support the people that died in it.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004 6:38:00 AM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

Spawn, I do think it sucks that some people support the war. But I've talked to several people who bought those ribbons to support the poor souls stuck fighting that war, not the ideal of being there itself.

I do agree with you here though. It's sick that some people are cashing in on our inept Commander-In-Cheif's GRAVE MISTAKE, under the guise of supporting the troops when they really only support the war.

Shark, the main focus of this war isn't about terror...haven't you figured that out yet?

Wednesday, October 13, 2004 7:34:00 AM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

That's horrible! What did the poor Terrists ever do to us? From what I here, Terrists are a peaceful people that grow and export kiwi from their native island...

OH! You mean TERRORISTS. I'm sorry. Is MY face red or what?


Thursday, October 14, 2004 12:38:00 PM  

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