Monday, November 01, 2004

It only takes one person

I've felt like hell all day (physically and mentally) and I haven't had much patience, either. Consequently, I snapped at an obnoxious male friend because instead of just letting me sleep, he kept trying to see if I was all right. I'm really glad that he cares, I just didn't feel like being bothered, and I'll apologize tomorrow. Tonight there was also a surprise party for one of my neighbors and a friend woke me up so that I could go. On the way back to my room, I ran into one of my classmates and she told me she'd come check on me later. She brought me a little tea tray complete with two different teas, chewy candy and sugar. What a sweetheart...I already feel that much better because someone cared enough to do something nice for me.

I really don't know why I am posting this here, except to say that people do notice and appreciate when people do little things like that to brighten their day. So to everyone out there that goes the extra mile, thanks a lot.


Blogger Quilled One said...

You're welcome, Cheri. :)

Thursday, November 04, 2004 11:16:00 AM  

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