Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Victory? Not For America.

Well, the final hammer has been dropped. George W. Bush retains his position as president of the United States of America. This is a dark, dark day for our country.

To ALL Bush voters:

The blood of all the soliders in Iraq; the innocent people to be killed with more ‘pre-emptive’ strikes; it’s on YOUR hands.

When decent people like Shark, and Pheonix’s husband are sent away to war to DIE for the wrong reasons when they didn’t have to; I blame YOU. That’s YOUR fault.

The next person to blow their life savings on medicine or an operation; the next person to die of disease or injury because they couldn’t pay; is YOUR fault.

The next gay person to be a victim of a hate crime, or hatred in general; the misery of couples who now must continue to struggle; is YOUR fault.

When our Freedom of Speech disappears; it’s YOUR fault.

The next person that can’t find a job; gets laid off and can’t find other work because of our job market; that’s YOUR fault.

The next batch of jobs that are outsourced overseas and replaced with lower paying jobs for our citizens; that’s YOUR fault.

Thousands of people who are now denied the right to choose with abortion; that’s YOUR fault.

When middle-class individuals have to tighten their belts so much that they can’t even breathe to make ends meet; that’s YOUR fault.

When most of our “great new jobs” only pay the frozen-in-place minimum wage of $5.15 per hour; that’s YOUR fault.

The next time a person dies or succumbs to spinal injuries, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, cancer; when people in YOUR OWN FAMILIES – your friends, your loved ones, even your spouse – are diagnosed with these ailments and afflictions and there IS NO CURE available to save them, to help them; that’s YOUR fault.

When there is no Social Security left for you or I when we are older; that’s YOUR fault.

The “moral” man that you’ve elected and chosen is leading this country to ruin. For all his morality, for all his compassion for people, he’s nevertheless lacking in the intelligence and judgment that should be required of our leader. Yet you elected him anyway.

Four more years of a horrible economy. Four more years of civil rights being trampled on. Four more years of right wing, conservative oppression for gays, women, and minorities. Four more years of struggling for the lower and middle classes. Four more years of further decline for our healthcare system. Four more years of money being stolen from Social Security, money that is supposed to go to help the elderly. Four more years of wars which cause the rest of the world to hate us. Four more years of soldiers dying unnecessarily; men and women with families, men and women with children. Four more years of the worst decisions defended as being right and justified. Four more years of the richest people in our country living like kings, while the rest of us struggle and suffer. Four more years and beyond without cures for several diseases, due to bans on Stem Cell research; in fact, four more years of good, decent people suffering when there could easily be hope for them, a cure for them.

When all these things take place and more, you’ll complain about them. You’ll complain about them and you’ll see.

“Steve, you just don’t know when to quit, do you? You’re completely wrong about all that, or at least partially wrong.”

Yeah? You’ll see.

In my political posts in the past, I’ve ended several times with “God bless America.” Now I say:

God save America.


Blogger Quilled One said...

You're welcome...

...noodle-injesting Goodfellas reject.


Wednesday, November 03, 2004 3:46:00 PM  
Blogger Shark said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

Thursday, November 04, 2004 2:03:00 AM  
Blogger Shark said...

I hear that the mall is having a sale on black dress'
maybe you can pick up somthing nice for yourself.

Thursday, November 04, 2004 2:06:00 AM  
Blogger Shark said...

I wonder what Dante posted that made you want to censor him?I mean censorship is wrong in any form right? Isn't that what you have been saying?So why censor him?

Thursday, November 04, 2004 2:09:00 AM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

Dante didn't say anything that I wished to censor. He posted the same comment twice, most probably by hitting the "publish" button more than once by accident. That is why I removed it, because it was a double posting two times in a row. I would NEVER censor anyone's comments, save for my own, unless they seriously broke the rules of the Council; and I never have.

Thursday, November 04, 2004 7:36:00 AM  

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