Thursday, September 23, 2004

...I think I finally get something...

I hate the conflict. Let me off that train. Then, after we're all off of the train, blow the shit out of that fucker.

From Quilled Scripts: "I’m beginning to think that maybe the threats to freedom of speech started with the people in today’s society. Yeah, that sounds about right. We did it. We started denying each other freedom of speech, getting pissed at what we post or say, and just look what it blossomed into."

"I will make a deal with everyone. We all agree that blogs are public forums, right? Well, blogs are also personal journals. As such, they give way to vents created in anger, and vents with the purpose of putting thought to words. Why we all do this, when we know people could get pissed, I can't say...maybe we're all stupid that way. But to all on the Council and in BugJuice and anywhere else: Go ahead and post whatever you want about me, if I piss you off. In turn, I will be allowed to vent my feelings in the open of my blog/journal. And we will handle any descrepencies or disagreements resulting from them outside the blogs and in a mutual manner.

Let's start picking up the pieces and giving ourselves back the freedom of speech."

Who's with me here?

(If you go to my personal blog, Quilled Scripts, you will find even more on this subject..)


Blogger Shark said...

The conflict arose not out of censorship but out of the outrage of having private info exposed without permission.We just had this disscusion,thinking before acting.What is the most hurtful thing you can do to someone without it being phyical in some way,expose them to the public eye with out their say in the matter.You want to talk about freedom of speech fine,what about freedom of pursucution,freedom to prusue happiness,the freedom of amnominity,the freedom to live a pirvate life?But hey it is no matter,I gave up a whole bunch of my rights so that you can sit in your chair at home and call me a coward for not wanting my name posted on a world wide blog site that is linked to yours that posts my full name,as well as my wifes.About a week ago I found a blog just a few blogs away from you that rants about how the"American dogs should die!"Think about that Steve.Just go Blog searching and find out how many countries you will run in to with just forty clicks.There are people in this world that just find shit on computers,no matter how small,to use against others.How would you feel if your name was posted on a page like this along with your wifes?Knowing that only a profile and operator away that any person can find out your adress and phone number.All they need is a name and city.I know I have used the system to find people before.Think before you act,it might just be fun and games for you,but privacy is more serous to me.

Thursday, September 23, 2004 12:40:00 PM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

Ahhh...I posted something geniune and insightful, that advocates that we all be respectful and put an end to bickering about things said on personal journals; and the first comment I receive on it is an attack.

This is what I'm talking about.

Thursday, September 23, 2004 12:56:00 PM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

P.S. Sorry about the last name thing.

Thursday, September 23, 2004 2:06:00 PM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

Many thanks, sai Hizzy. May your days be long upon the earth...

However, this is not a BJ issue, this is Council, so at least there's that. Thank god it isn't going to spill over into BJ, and for once BJ isn't in this problem. LOL

Friday, September 24, 2004 7:45:00 AM  

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