Friday, September 24, 2004

A Public Apology To Quill

Okay, first and foremost, Quill my man, I do apologize for going ape shit the other day and censoring things that may not have needed to be censored. My sincerest apologies.
Now, the topic at hand is a perfect example of perspective and "Three-Edged Sword". Now, do you know why I am upset that my name was actually posted, no I would guess not. I have friends and family from all over reading this blog and my own personal one. I made comment a comment recently about the crisis of Sept. 11. I divulged what is still classified info about a few people that could get them court martialed and a few years at least in a maximum security prison for treason. This being a time of war, that also carries the death penalty simply because I spoke out of turn about them. Now is that fair to put such a weight on your shoulders? I would have to say no, plus you were not aware of exactly how sensitive and dangerous that info was that I said as an offhanded comment. But say if you were me, and you know that the only reason your cell phone is still on is so that they can trace and tap any landline or cells that they feel are suspicious. You may take this as an exaggerated example or as a joke, but I am not kidding.
About a month ago, an old "friend" of mine shows up wearing a ball cap from the orginization he belongs to, all because I made a phone call to an old friend. Suffice it to say, we didn't talk, he got my attention, and when I looked at him, he nodded, saluted me, and walked away, his favor repayed to someone who owed me a favor. Hokey-sounding, yes, true none the less. Now being as I know this, I don't go around calling certain people who this organization really wants to talk to, and I am one of the few links that is able to walk away from it. There is nothing that will ever make me betray my friend, near or far.
That being said, the perspective of it is that I a proud that you feel safe enough from outside harm to be able to freely post your name. Now in America that is your right to do so. On the web of course, there are no international borderlines that cannot be crossed, that are guarded by brave men and women who would give thier lives for US, the people that they don't know.
Now the Three-edeges of this whole situation is that, you can see your side, and you can read our side, now can you see the truth in all of this? If so post it for me so that I can know if I have finally convinced you of the one thing you stated in a post to Angle69 and Shark, about everybody having their own views on things, and sometime the only way to get any where is to sit down, think it over, even discuss it.


Blogger Quilled One said...

Apology accepted and returned back to you tenfold: I'm sorry x 10.

'Nuff said.

Just figured out how the three-sides theory can work, but not in the original way described. Side One: What I see. Side Two: What you see. Side Three: What WE see; as in, when two sides come to the same agreement as friends.

See, the problem with the original was the personal view vs. what's real. Since reality in this theory will always be under a person's view, there's no way to fully discern what things are. However, when you take into account that the third side is a SHARED, MUTUAL view...then it is no longer one person's, but both.

Friday, September 24, 2004 7:49:00 AM  
Blogger Scott said...

If that info is as classified as you say it is, I have two questions for you:

1: What the fuck are you doing with it?
2: Why the fuck would you share it with the rest of the world?

You wouldn't have an anonymity problem if you didn't talk about shit you shouldn't know about.

Friday, September 24, 2004 11:04:00 PM  

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