Tuesday, October 19, 2004

...GOP: At It Again...

GOP Ramps Up Voter Suppression Efforts

October 19, 2004

The GOP's transparent efforts to suppress voters reached new heights in the last two weeks. A "voter registration" front group—funded by the Republican National Committee—is under criminal investigation in Nevada and Oregon for allegedly destroying Democratic registration forms. Republican operatives working on behalf of the president's reelection campaign attempted to move 63 polling precincts in Philadelphia last Friday, 53 of which had white populations less than 10 percent. With more of the same likely to come between now and Election Day, voters should remain vigilant.

Vote early and be sure to bring identification. Voters should take advantage of early voting opportunities (offered in 31 states) to avoid any last minute pitfalls or problems. And although many states do not require id to vote, citizens should bring valid identification just to be safe and protect their vote.

Don't let right wing suppression efforts keep you from voting. The best way for citizens to fight back against organized efforts to block the right to vote is to turn out in droves. Millions of voters can overwhelm even the worst "dirty tricks."

Report any problems at the polling place to the Election Protection hotline at (866) OUR-VOTE. Election Protection is a nationwide program run by civil rights and voting rights groups to safeguard your right to cast a ballot on or before Election Day. Don't hesitate to call this number if you experience any difficulties at the polls.

Daily Talking Points is a product of the American Progress Action Fund.

Hmmm...I gotta tell you guys...I think that's absolute bullshit. What do you guys think?


Blogger Deadpool said...

I believe that the presiden't men are getting worried that their tenure in power is coming to an end. Interesting that they would do this in African-american and other minority communities. I mean they don't care about us the other three years, so why care about us now. Maybe it is because even popular stars in our communities are throughing their great pull behind getting rid of Bush, hmmm. It is totally wrong to let this kind of thing go on. But, as we can see it will happen! Talk about progressive rights for all Bush did, when his own people are doing underhanded things in his name. I under the direction of somebody close to Bush if not Bush himself. Wonder how this will be covered up.
Anyway, that is enough political ranting from me for now.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004 8:43:00 PM  

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