Saturday, October 02, 2004

...public apology to Deadpool...

Well, now we've done it. We've officially pissed 'Pool off. And I can't blame him for being angry.

V, I'm sorry, bro. I've tried to be objective in my posts and comments here, but you know how liberal I am with shit and how it usually gets me in trouble. Maybe that's why you wanted me here in the first place...

Question, it seems that your vision was shared by more than just myself and Spawn. It may not have been the way you wanted, but at least SOME people 'get it'.

Council members: stop with all this bullshit. I'm sick of being jumped on, and now that I understand Deadpool's motives, I'm telling you all to just be fair on this fucking blog. 'Pool may not be my BEST friend, but he's a brother in the 'Juice as far as I'm concerned, and you mess with one of my own and I will go Pompeii on your ass!

I have stopped posting first names, out of respect. I have given advice. I have been humorous. Most of the bickering has me at the center, and it's because of the liberal way I post my comments. 'Pool gets it, Pheonix gets it; the rest of you need to get with the fucking program. Voice fluctuates between getting it and not. K has never jumped on me, nor has whoever Cheri is, so this isn't directed at them.

Deadpool, if I am truly the reason your Council is turning out this way, you can remove me at your leisure. I will leave that up to you. I will sacrifice my position on it to help your vision of what you want this to be. However, if that happens, let that be a fucking lesson to the rest of you; this is a free-speech area, where all opinions are valued and will not be censored. Maybe if you stopped complaining so much about what I post and be more open about things outside your little 'box', you guys would see that.


Blogger Quilled One said...

Voice, that is why I gave you the credit that I did.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004 12:37:00 PM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

Oh yes, and VOTE KERRY!!!


Tuesday, October 05, 2004 12:38:00 PM  

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