Thursday, November 04, 2004

...Council unity...

"Earlier today, I spoke to President Bush, and I offered him and Laura our congratulations on their victory. We had a good conversation and we talked about the danger of division in our country and the need – the desperate need – for unity, for finding the common ground, coming together. Today, I hope that we can begin the healing." - John Kerry, taken from the concession speech

I agree with this. This is exactly why Kerry was MY candidate for president. Sadly, it wasn't meant to be this time around. However, this statement holds much water and salt for this Council right now.

Contrary to what may or may not be the popular opinion, I did not join here to splinter and divide, to bicker and to bitch. One of the few curses in my life seems to be the way conflict and controversy surrounds me, if for no other reason than my out-spoken ways.

I have considered on several occasions leaving this Council, first for the good of myself, second for the good of the rest of you, to end the bickering. That is not the way. Deadpool, our grand Cheif Councilor, the King of Q-Town, told me during one of those periods I was pondering my exit, that he invited me for a reason. That he respects and loves my voice, and what I have to say, and also how I use it. I started as an administrator here, the first in a line of many that were appointed, largely because I knew how to add links; Deadpool decided to keep me.

I have had misunderstandings with Voice; I have a continued, underlying animosity with Shark, although less-so since we put certain issues to rest; I have a continued animosity towards Angel69. But none of that matters.

I don't like the fact that Bush is our president; but his re-election symbolizes our nation coming together to vote, to speak with their voices. That's similar to what is supposed to be happening here on the Council Chambers.

It would be foolish to assume that we're going to be a happy congregation of members; there are pasts that are not exactly friendly between some of us. However, I think that if we accept the fact that we're just as likely to be cynical and bitchy as we are capable of friendly musings and exchanges, we'll be all the better for that.

As Council Administrator Quill, better known as Viceroy Kakkarot to some (or just one), I am going to now use my power for the first time. An amendment to the second rule, about civility, if you will.

Rule #2) Keep it civil, guys & girls
Sub #A) Respect the differences; expect human bias and emotion (anger, sorrow, etc.) to occur; be open-minded and roll with punches; remember, even in the face of seeming disrespect, the crucial importance of unity within the Council.

I know it would seem a bit unorthodox for a Viceroy Admin to dictate the law of the Council; however, if it is acceptable to you - and I can't see a reason why it wouldn't be - we can preserve the civility here in an easier way.

As I supported John Kerry during his campaign, supported his views for our country, so I support his idea of the importance of unity. Join me now in making that a reality. And, if I must be the pioneer for this...

Dante; Francesca - congratulations.


Blogger Quilled One said...

I just wanted to clarify this: Dave did decide to fuck with me and say he voted Bush. I KNEW he was for Kerry, because he had told me. So, I played along and acted all pissed off. I guess I acted TOO well; despite me informing him that I was just kidding, he still believed it was genuine. I can prove that I wasn’t pissed at him, mainly because if I was going to hate Bush voters for real, I would have been really mean towards Frannie as well. Heck, I wasn’t even that harsh to Dante; although I did get more argumentative with him. Just wanted to clear that up…

Dave: I was just kidding, dude. I'm sorry if I misled you with it.

Friday, November 05, 2004 12:51:00 PM  

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