Tuesday, October 19, 2004

One more chance........

People in life make mistakes. Everyone is human. So if you say you don't ever make mistakes then take a good look at yourself. Now some mistakes may be bigger then other. Everyone deserves one more chance. In a recent event I was lucky enough to get one more chance. Of course this can go for friendships and relationships. It takes a bigger person to be able to give someone another chances. If you dwell on the past it doesn't do anyone any good. As adults the mistakes people make can be bigger then someone who is a teenager. In life if anyone makes a mistake to you be that bigger person and give them one more chance. Besides it might chance things for the better. The relationship could be better for the both of you. Just think about it!


Blogger Quilled One said...

To quote a very wise, very good friend of mine: No one is infallible. This is a statement that is very true. As Angel69 stated above, everyone has made mistakes. I know that I've made plenty in my lifetime. And I do agree with the 'giving another chance' philosophy...to a point.

I happen to believe that when someone wrongs you, or says something out of line, or whatever the mistake may be, you should give them a second chance. To redeem. To make right. Most people give third and fourth, even fifth chances. I personally tend to give just a little more than that; sometimes, it works to my benefit, most times it does not.

However, I do agree that FIRST offenses should be viewed in light of the 'second chance' theorem that Angel69 touches up here. I think that AFTER that second chance is spent, it is largely up to the individual on how they play it; meaning that person A may not WANT to give that third chance, while person B might make it all the way up to fifteenth chance before they bring the hammer down, and that is their basic right and option to do as they please. From a purely social standpoint, I think that a second chance is acceptably fair, as long as you don't open yourself wide open, that is.

Good post, Angel69.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004 4:42:00 PM  
Blogger Deadpool said...

Great post Angel69. Now if we can all just keep this forward momentum going, we will actually achieve the start of my goal. The rest I will tell you all when the time comes. But the first is civil communication, and of course jokes, which helps break the ice. Sometimes.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004 8:35:00 PM  
Blogger Shark said...

You are doing so well!And on your own too!

Wednesday, October 20, 2004 10:52:00 AM  

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