Wednesday, October 20, 2004

...Election Issues: Where Both Bush & Kerry Stand...

I thought I’d take a moment to compare where the candidates stand on the issues revolving around this election. Once again, I have taken the time to gather this information so YOU don’t have to do it. And, many think Kerry doesn’t have a solid stance on several issues. Read on for the low-down. I didn’t include Nader, because seriously, he has no chance of winning (as is the case with all third parties); and the best part, I kept it short and sweet for you.


Affirmative Action:
Kerry: Supports affirmative action policies
Bush: Has both opposed and supported affirmative action

Gay Marriage:
Kerry: Against gay marriage, backs benefits, rights for gay couples
Bush: Backs constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage

Gays In The Military:
Kerry: Favors allowing gay men and women to serve openly in military
Bush: Supports "don't ask, don't tell" policy

Gay Adoption:
Kerry: Supports adoption by gay men and lesbians
Bush: Opposes gay adoptions

Hate Crime Legislation:
Kerry: Expand federal hate crimes legislation, assure equal justice
Bush: Opposes expanding federal law to cover sexual orientation


National Missile Defense:
Kerry: Opposes NMD, supports nonproliferation and arms control
Bush: Has ordered limited NMD system deployed by 2004

Increase Size Of Army
Kerry: Recruit more service members; start Community Defense Svc.
Bush: Has not proposed increasing the Army's size

Program Budgets
Kerry: Invest in new equipment, technology; offer better pay, benefits
Bush: Would increase military spending 4.2 percent to $380 billion


Drilling In ANWR:
Kerry: Opposes oil exploration in Arctic refuge
Bush: Favors opening refuge for gas and oil exploration, drilling

Alternative Fuels:
Kerry: Promotes clean, renewable fuel sources, especially ethanol
Bush: Proposed $1.7 billion to develop hydrogen-powered fuel cells

Energy Policy:
Kerry: Set goals, incentives to reduce dependence on fossil fuels
Bush: Supports market-based solution to improve air quality

Gas Mileage Requirements:
Kerry: Push new gas requirements, hybrid cars, hydrogen fuel
Bush: Supports 1.5 mpg increase for SUVs, light trucks by 2007


Drug Costs:
Kerry: Close loopholes; financial incentives to lower drug costs
Bush: Supports reducing drug costs for low-income patients

Medicare Solvency:
Kerry: Fund all health care by rescinding tax cuts, cutting waste
Bush: Introduce private sector competition to reduce costs

Prescription Drugs Benefit:
Kerry: Tighten rules on drug companies; focus on seniors, vets
Bush: Supports adding drug benefit to Medicare

Nationalized Health Care:
Kerry: Let people buy into govt. system, fund by reversing Tax cuts
Bush: Favors improving current system over government-based system

Sue HMOs:
Kerry: Allow patients to sue HMOs, collect money for damages
Bush: Would place limits on patient lawsuits against HMOs


Enemy Combatants:
Kerry: Against labeling U.S. citizens "enemy combatants"
Bush: Supports labeling of U.S. citizens as "enemy combatants"

Patriot Act:
Kerry: Backs letting act expire without congressional approval
Bush: Supports Patriot Act

Kerry: Speed immigration process; unite families; patrol borders
Bush: Proposed increasing budget to enforce immigration laws

Intelligence Agencies:
Kerry: Reform domestic intelligence; start targeted alert system
Bush: Homeland Security Dept. primary conduit of threat information


War In Iraq:
Kerry: Supported the war; later said Bush misled nation
Bush: Authorized war to oust Saddam Hussein regime

Iraqi Reconstruction:
Kerry: Involve other nations more in Iraqi rebuilding, security
Bush: Initially opposed U.N. involvement; now warming to idea

Pre-Emption Policy:
Kerry: Denounces threat of pre-emption; would seek global consensus
Bush: Announced new policy of pre-emption in June 2002

Kerry: Boost international efforts to secure peace, beat al Qaeda
Bush: More than $1 billion proposed for reconstruction

Middle East:
Kerry: Improve social, economic, political conditions in region
Bush: Co-sponsored "Road map" plan for peace process


Kerry: Supports a woman's right to an abortion; planning resources
Bush: Opposes except cases of rape, incest or to save woman's life

Death Penalty:
Kerry: Opposes death penalty
Bush: Supports death penalty

Drug Policy:
Kerry: More police; aggressively target traffickers; fund treatment
Bush: Reduce illegal drug usage by 10 percent over two years

Gun Control:
Kerry: Close gun show loophole; require child safety locks
Bush: Protect gunmakers from lawsuits

Education Reform:
Kerry: Bar vouchers; fully fund NCLB, special ed., school building
Bush: Signed NCLB; federal budget has not fully funded legislation

Supreme Court:
Kerry: Appoint judges committed to law, civil and abortion rights
Bush: Has cited Clarence Thomas, Antonin Scalia as model justices


Social Security:
Kerry: Opposes privatizing Social Security
Bush: Supports investing some Social Security taxes in stocks

State Fiscal Crisis:
Kerry: Give priority to giving states fiscal aid to resolve crises
Bush: Allocated funds to help states pay increased security costs

Tax Cuts:
Kerry: Repeal tax cuts for wealthy; increase child tax credit
Bush: Signed two tax cut bills so far; more tax cuts unlikely

Budget Deficits:
Kerry: Undo deficit trend with eye on corporate loopholes, spending
Bush: Reduce deficit by holding spending increases to 4 percent

Job Creation:
Kerry: Assist small businesses; train workers; infrastructure jobs
Bush: Says 2001, 2003 tax cuts have helped keep economy going

There it is, folks. Hope this helps, clarifies, and informs. God bless America.


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