Saturday, August 28, 2004


Isn't that what the quizzes are for, as well as our blogs, to allow us a better and faster insight into each other. Maybe The Voice is arrogant, maybe Phoenix clings to what she calls faith in a way that we think sometimes is much to firmly. I am a semi-reformed whore and K is highly neurotic when it come to decision making. But that is what makes each of us unique, our strengths can also be our weaknesses to others. So now that that is all settled. We will all talk civilly for a moment.
I was working today, surrounded by a surprise populace of Chinese-Asian. I was mystified to discover that I don't even remember how to say hello in Cantonese, and write my name. I was trying to tell some coworkers that they should say hello and thank you in Cantonese, that would get their attention as well as make them stop to talk. They asked me what words should they say, and all I could hear in my mind was Ana telling me (phonetically) o-why-ni. I am not nor have I ever been in love with Ana, but she and her father taught me how to write my name and hold a small talk conversation in the summer on 1998. So I am standing there not knowing what to say to these young men who for some reason look up to me like some kind of pimp-god descended to give them the commandments.
I offer fairly sage advice when it comes to women. At least I think so. The first thing I say is that if you are trying or are in a relationship, I don't know shit about that and can't help you. But if you just want the girl,young woman, prosti-tot(I work with some high schoolers,) that this is how you approach, this is what you say and this is what you do. I never tell them or my friends that it will last forever or that they should or should not try be in relationships, but that it will work and they will get what they want right now.
The problem with relationships, is that one of the people involved always take a dominate role which is where shit starts to go wrong. That is not to say that if one party is great at math and finances that they shouldn't handle that part. What I am trying to say is when one party or the other whether it be male or female, decides that they know what is best for the other party. Relationship should be founded in friendship, and just like with a friend, you give them advice. Now whether they choose to take it or not is up to them as is the consequences of that decision. Now lets talk about that word for one second. Too many people use it like it only implies negative connotation. That is not the case. It means the outcome or results of any action or inaction that a person makes. It is like the term air conditioning. Most people say they turned the A.C. on when they say that they were trying to make a room or car cooler. They say they turned the heat on when they say they are of course trying to warm up a room or car. Air conditioning means to apply an alternate force to an environment to change that particular environment. Yes there are to different factors, but all the same, as with anything else. That is the one thing that is wrong with the usage of the term relationship, nobody ever realizes that you have a relationship with everyone, whether it is good or bad, it still is what it is. What you should have with a significant other is a friendship and a partnership. That issued to paraphrase in lay terms(only to simplify my diatribe,) that two friends who come together with the realization of romantic emotions should decide to enter into a life together for however long that last as one and equal. If we could somehow get this through all of our thick as heads maybe we can all be a lot happier.
Now I know that through science that there will always be people with a dominate personality, guess what I will be speaking to you guess now. GET OVER THAT STUPID SHIT! If you feel someone that you care about is making a mistake, it is their mistake to make and their life to do it with. Now I know that as friends and family that that is some tough and very difficult shit to accept. That just makes me think of a song that most of you would probably have never heard by an artist I am sure you all have heard of, DMX. Track 12 on his second mainstream CD opens with a skit, then breaks into a song;

"I will rob or steal with you, dog nigga, what. Ride till we die, it's on till it's up. Thick like blood, where's my DOGS? UH! There's my DOGS!
Now who I am is who I will be until I die. You can accept it or don't fuck with it. But if we gon' be DOGS then you stuck with. Let me go my way, but walk with me. See what I see, watch me, then talk with me. Share my pain and make it a little easier to deal with. And despite all the fame, You, I'ma a keep it real to! Rob and steal with DOG nigga what, ride till we die, It's on till it's up. Love is love and I enjoy the love.But when it's conflict then it destroys the love. You can't toy with love niggas take it to the HEART, you ain't gon find to many niggas willing to bark in the DARK. We been here from the start don't fuck it up now. Later on don't even hit me like, "Fuck it up how?" You my dog and I would die for you; let's keep it like that, give me unconditional love and I'll give it right back. FOR REAL!"

This is how RELATIONSHIPS, especially any and all FRIENDSHIPS we have should be. You have to understand and LET someone you care about make there on mistakes. If you don't, you will loose them as a friend, like it or not.

This is a DEADLINE message, and I have now spoken!
(: and I carry a biiiigg stick :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2004


Well, thank you. I am blushing, no really I am blushing. Yes, we are all an amazing and amazingly fucked up group, that is why we are the best. And, I will always mourn for my son, I would commit suicide if I ever got over that. I would know that I was indeed an emotionless bastard, who doesn't deserve to enjoy GOD's beautiful sunrises or sunsets. But that is quite depressing, it was a funny roast that you wrote.
The last line about me just makes me a little sad. I spent today with a friend of mine(Phoenix,) and we went to the OmniMax. I have only ever saw one movie there before, and that was at the old Science Center. I had a great time, now I think about if my son would be a Harry Potter fan. Would I know more about the story arc if he was still here. Would he have enjoyed seeing it on that huge ass screen. Sometimes, it is my thoughts of the thing that I will never do with DeWayne that hurts the most. I will never get to teach him the boingy factor of playing basketball with friends. I will never get to see what he would grow up to be. I will never get to see him in a GOD ugly tuxedo, thinking it is the shit, and watch him go off to prom his senior year. That would have been the year 2013. Sad the shit that I won't get to say. I will never know if he would be afraid of heights like me or a daredevil like his Mom.
It makes me afraid to try to make another child, I lost one that was carried to term, and one I didn't know was on the way. I have to wonder if it is me. Are the evil deeds and brokenhearts that I used to seem to relish and revel in the reason that GOD forbids me to create a seed. Am I cursed to walk this Earth, with no child of my own to teach so that the sins that I have committed to be washed from history. Why do I have to pay now, couldn't HE have waited till I died, then passed judgment then. I carry the genes of some of my family problems, diabetes lung troubles. I was able to overcome and surpass these problems, but is that the reason both of my kids died. One died of SIDS, the doctors excuse for not having any idea and wanting to avoid a malpractice lawsuit. The other tried to draw to much on his mothers physical resources, more than her body could take. Since they didn't know she was pregnant, hell we didn't even know yet, the drugs caused the baby to miscarry. Not that she could have carried it to term without serious risk to herself anyway, but I mean what the hell.

No Joy for the Wicked, No Rest for the Weary and No Peace for the Evil.

Oh really...

Oh, you know that it is on and popping now Phoenix. That stupid Tickle test for our IQ is so off, and we both know it. I took it again, this time I said I was a college graduate, answered exactly the same, and got a 131. Now the first time I said I was a high school dropout and got a 126. I find that extremely biased. But we all know that this Council is smart as well regardless of what anyone believes. We have all proved ourselves to be the best ONE, at one thing or another. You have an intellect like no other, so broad in the range of anything and everything that she can cover or add to any ideas that we have. Kind of like our anchor/sounding board.

The Voice is a scientific whiz, especially in the field of physics, calculus, trigonometry, and meta-physics. Also one of my oldest friends, that I have only known a short time. That is not as much of an oxymoron as it sounds. Real friends understand that more than anyone else would.
K is one hell of a people person, and also the newest person to the council. She is quickly becoming the strongest link for this Council, and is someone that I care deeply for, and not just as a friend.

My special gift is people, women in especial. Yes that is grammatically correct. English(American as The Voice says,) comes naturally to me. It was set by the college I attended as my minor because of my scores.
"Hang up my playas card..." The Voice wrote. I have done it before for less worthy women because I am a scientist at heart, and testing hypothesis about relationships and women. I have not always chosen the right women, but I had to take random samples from the population. Thus the teacher, the college student, the hood rat, the good girl, the freak. Then there are the woman that became the experiments, the rapper, the shrink, the nurse, the doctor(pediatrician,) the accountant, the police officer(now in the Secret Service in downtown St. Lou guarding the reserve,) the army girl(now a Lt.Col,) the married woman(who caught me tripping.) Then, there was the mother, the lesbians(it was a couple,) the twins (though not Japanese.) Then there was Nikki, she was the girl I lost my virginity to (if it can be called that for a male,) and took hers. That was a special hypothesis. It was delving into that bad girl she had become who said she was never into me and was over whatever she felt. That became fun simply because I loved to watch her front when in the presence of "her man." Then breaking down, even in front of her friends at the sight of me biting another woman in front of her. That taught me many things about the female species, especially how to hurt them, nut not to help and heal them. Incredibly smart, sexy, strong, volatile, talented, driven and ambitious being you will ever meet, all willing giving control over themselves, their emotions, and possibly their futures.
This is my message to all women, don't do that SHIT! Please, I need a woman for myself who is self reliant, who will be my partner, not a servant. That is what I have learned from my experiments. So ends the lesson on women. I can't tell you anything about men, they have never rated high enough for me to have an interest in.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

To the Voice

You can't be GOD, we don't talk. You definitely are not his messenger, I have met three in my life who could even come close. As for my fears, I fear nothing except dying by the hand of the state by capital punishment. I don't fear death as much as hate the fact that by capital punishment I have no choice of when and how I go out. What I do have is human; anger, annoyance, and confusion. Though confusion can sometimes be fun and interesting, to say the least, you are not confusing. That makes you not fun. That makes you annoying. That makes me angry.

*MEMO* no anonymous commments PLEASE

Council members like Phoenix, and a few others who have joined up since I started this blog a couple days ago, ask highly important questions to ourselves that may affect our rulings or judgements. It is important that we might be able to ask you questions about your feedback on something we wrote. If you are afraid of what we might say, I do understand your fear. For we are mighty and have been known to smite entire assemblies that have come before us with wit and vernacular alone. But, we would like to be able to speak with you and ask you why you give the advice you give, sage or not.

Friday, August 20, 2004

From The Chambers *MEMO*This is for Joe and Dave

This is from my bestfriend in the whole wide world. All my friends are family, but this is my little brother born the closest after me, my twin, so we are closer than all the other siblings. He is a little isolated right now and I can't have that. The rest of the family can't leave one of our own high and dry, not at all, not as long as I draw breath!

Hey man whats up havent heard from you in a while,now that I think of it havent heard from Kristene either. Is everybody so busy that they cant drop a line on an old friend once in a while?I mean hey its not like people are activly tring to kill me.....oh yeah thats right THEY ARE TRING TO KILL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!But that is fine I have lived through all the attacks against me with great success,every time I am attacked I kill one of theirs.Go Joetalk to you later........oh and Vince you can share this with all who think that I should "get my ass handed to me"It aint gonna happen,there is not a mother fucker bad enough to take me on and live,for here there are no kid gloves,no pulled punches,this is the real deal and I am the baddest mother fucker in the whole damn vally!

Also, to my and about my little brother Dave, I don't know what the hell happened, but I refuse to let everybody get down on my brother. Suck it up(that means your foolish pride shit) and apologize to the young man. Yes I said MAN because he hasn't been a kid for some years now so everyone face facts. We will all make silly ass mistakes, big and small. Get over it! Friends and close family members are the hardest thing to find. It is like the one diamond that was found half way down the Marianis Trench. It was hell to get there, get it out and go through 18.4 hour of decompression just to have to give it away. That is friends my friends, the rareist and most precious jewel/gem/stone that could be found ANYWHERE. So cherish that shit before I have to bitchslap the lot of ya.

Peace and a botlle of hair grease.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

The First Letter from the Desk of Councilor Vinnie

This is basically to understand my friend Steve's enjoyment and mental release(therapy) that he said he uses these blogs for. I am not exactly happy with Steve right now, nor Bucky. The reason is silly to other people, but to me it was kind of important. I had been meaning to bring it up to him. But the last to times I saw him we were having to much fun to remember to bitch at him or Bucky about it. I found out recently that I was removed from the bugjuice webpage. If you don't believe me you can check it out, not even an honorable mention in bugjuice, nor was my animal pal. HE WAS PISSED! Now you try dealing with a pissed off, nine hundred pound horny gorilla that is pissed off because the rest of his tribe just dissed him. I just took it as an oversight because I was once a prominent(and proud) member of Bugjuice webpage(in no way associated with Disney or Nickelodeon.) So I am writing this so that I can get an answer from them about this deletion of my character from their lives and from being viewed as one of the elite by people who visited the webpage. Besides, my e-mail address,, means THE ONE and COUNCIL means all my friends are just as special and unique. I made this blog able to receive comments so I expect to get some dammit.

Desk of Councilor Vinnie *update memo*

Anyway people, this is just a little bit of what is part and parcel to my life right now. My boss and friend got fired, so now my City Supervisor(regional manager for those of us who speak real corporate,) is trying to screw me out of my raise and my promotion. She sent in a new manager, who seems cool for now.
I brought up this subject with him and he definitely seemed interested in making me his asst. manager. He said that the clients that called asked for me by name because they knew I got shit done. He said that didn't gel with what he was told by Melinda(city super) coming in, but he knew some of the clients from where he worked before and trusted their judgment about me. He also said that I was more helpful than the traveller( Dawn) sent by corporate to fire my boss and help him acclimate to Friedman ways.
So now I have my foot in the door again, but to be honest with you guys, the Vinnie man is tired as hell of trying to prove how good he is and getting no reward for it. THAT IS WHY I AM DIVORCED, NO FUCKING APPRECIATION! If I wanted that shit I could have stayed married, it would have been less money concerns for me. Also, there is my mother. She is milking her sickness and bacj troubles for all it's fucking worth. Please forgive me for the foul language its just my thoughts. She calls me constantly, that goes double on the weekend, so that I cannot even enjoy my fucking life.
I also have a semi- relationship with a woman. She likes drama so that doesn't sit well with me. Don't get me wrong, she doesn't bring me drama, but needs it in her life. She is the reverse of dramatic, but loves to be in the company of MISERY. I don't get it because she is so fucking cool. Most of my friends that have met her loves her(or at leasts like better than other fuck-pals I have had.) So, like ever I'm sitting around looking for reasons to be mad at her but there really are none. I don't know what I am waiting on, maybe I should just commit and see what happens from there. Let me know what I should do people.