Monday, November 22, 2004

Happy Holidays

To all of you that can be with family and freinds this time of the holidays be thankful of it.Treasure every little nuance that comes your way.Look around at the people and just be happy that you are so fortunate.Watch the children play and the older folks tell their stories and listen to the sounds of a full home.Remember those who are away but rejoice in the spirt of the day.No matter where we go in life our family is always with us in heart.Do not weep for me in the days to come,my family is with me always.And I make new family where ever I go!Take the time to tell each other just how you feel,dont let a chance to says I love you slip away.Dont miss a hug or a kiss.So to all of you from all of us Happy Holidays!!

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Well Wishes

Well, I'm headed home for the entire Thanksgiving week. I hope you all have a great holiday and stay safe. As for me, I'm going to sleep in and not think about tests and projects while shopping and cruising around familiar territory. Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 15, 2004

This time it is for real.

Voice, K, Deadpool, Pheonix, Cheri, Fran - Thanks for having me here, and for putting up with my politicizing, and not seeking to silence or censor me. Deadpool, I am truly sorry; I definitely "got it" with what you sought to do, and I'm sorry that I can't be part of it any longer.

Scott, Hizzy, Beaver, Neo - thanks for the support in joining me here.

Everyone else - whosoever wished to silence me or censor me; congratulations, for you are the reason this once-promising creation of Vince's turned to utter and total shit.

I don't need the hassle of being told to shut up every five minutes on here. This place is supposed to be for every member to use their voice, and I can't do that here because every time I do, I get jumped on. I've taken it with a grain of salt all that I can. I'm done with this Council.

If you guys wish to find me, my personal blog is always there for updates on me, and the Bug-Juice Forums are a constant dwelling place for my thoughts and opinions.


Thursday, November 11, 2004

...Kerry Won - Here are the Facts...

  • Kerry Won. Here Are The Facts.
  • Wednesday, November 10, 2004

    ...well, I think it's time to say 'see you later'...

    I have attempted to adhere to all suggestions given to me regarding posting. For some reason, new "problems" keep surfacing with the way I comment and post. Because of this, I'm stepping down for awhile; I'm not leaving the Council (and if I DO disappear, it's because I was forcibly removed), but I am going silent for awhile.

    I am tired of being restricted and threatened. (If you don't know, don't worry about it.)

    Monday, November 08, 2004 ongoing problem...

    I want to take a moment to address the entirety of the council. There is some controversy surrounding Fran and certain things and people bothering her and generally harrassing her. Because of this, she is considering quitting the Council.

    @Francesca: I don't care if Dante, or someone else, wants you out of this Council. As an administrator, I want you here. Deadpool wants you here also, albeit he is absent at this time. Don't quit our circle just to cave to someone who is clearly a "fucking asshole."

    So yeah...this is a message to Fran: You are wanted on this Council by the majority, despite what certain members may or may not wish.

    And to the individual(s) who are harrassing Fran; I sincerely hope that I never have the opportunity to get my hands on you, because I will be sent to jail for assault. That's not a threat, it's a promise.

    Casualties in Iraq: What The War Is Costing Us

  • Casualties in Iraq: What The War Is Costing Us

  • I thought I would bring this point home. We seriously should be done in Iraq. I don't say this as a political statement, I just say this as a human being. The costs of this war casualty-wise is NOT going well for our nation at all right now.

    We're not making much headway in "winning" this thing. The insurgencies are ongoing and it's stretching our forces thinner by the day. "There won't be a need for a draft." Yeah...right.

    ...Post-Election Events/Fallujah Report...

    Here's a report of possible election fraud that took place:
  • Should America Trust the Results of the Election?

  • Also:
  • Broward Machines Count Backward / Computer Loses 4,500 Votes in N.C.

  • ...and here's a report about the current invasion of Fallujah. It is also linked in the title of this post:
  • Fallujah

  • I am trying something new here: just posting links. Yes, I know I said I was going to do that before and didn't, but I am now. I'm doing this so as to give people the option to read the truth, instead of cramming in down their throats...

    Thursday, November 04, 2004

    ..."This Is War" - Smile Empty Soul...

    "This Is War" - Smile Empty Soul

    i'm just a normal man
    i wouldn't hurt nothing at all
    but here we are

    our leaders have a plan
    i'd only kill if it's for them
    now here we are

    i drove in a car and flew in a plane
    to come to your house and kick your door in
    now it's down to this, it's just you and me
    i'll blow your fucking head off for my country

    i go to church and tithe
    i go to work in a suit and tie
    but this is war
    i'm really not sure why
    but the tv says that you are wrong
    now here we are


    my feet hurt from the sand
    but still i march on gun in hand
    cause this is war
    this isn't what i planned
    i wanted to be so much more
    but this is war


    (These are lyrics to a song by the band Smile Empty Soul. I recommend them highly.)

    ...Council unity...

    "Earlier today, I spoke to President Bush, and I offered him and Laura our congratulations on their victory. We had a good conversation and we talked about the danger of division in our country and the need – the desperate need – for unity, for finding the common ground, coming together. Today, I hope that we can begin the healing." - John Kerry, taken from the concession speech

    I agree with this. This is exactly why Kerry was MY candidate for president. Sadly, it wasn't meant to be this time around. However, this statement holds much water and salt for this Council right now.

    Contrary to what may or may not be the popular opinion, I did not join here to splinter and divide, to bicker and to bitch. One of the few curses in my life seems to be the way conflict and controversy surrounds me, if for no other reason than my out-spoken ways.

    I have considered on several occasions leaving this Council, first for the good of myself, second for the good of the rest of you, to end the bickering. That is not the way. Deadpool, our grand Cheif Councilor, the King of Q-Town, told me during one of those periods I was pondering my exit, that he invited me for a reason. That he respects and loves my voice, and what I have to say, and also how I use it. I started as an administrator here, the first in a line of many that were appointed, largely because I knew how to add links; Deadpool decided to keep me.

    I have had misunderstandings with Voice; I have a continued, underlying animosity with Shark, although less-so since we put certain issues to rest; I have a continued animosity towards Angel69. But none of that matters.

    I don't like the fact that Bush is our president; but his re-election symbolizes our nation coming together to vote, to speak with their voices. That's similar to what is supposed to be happening here on the Council Chambers.

    It would be foolish to assume that we're going to be a happy congregation of members; there are pasts that are not exactly friendly between some of us. However, I think that if we accept the fact that we're just as likely to be cynical and bitchy as we are capable of friendly musings and exchanges, we'll be all the better for that.

    As Council Administrator Quill, better known as Viceroy Kakkarot to some (or just one), I am going to now use my power for the first time. An amendment to the second rule, about civility, if you will.

    Rule #2) Keep it civil, guys & girls
    Sub #A) Respect the differences; expect human bias and emotion (anger, sorrow, etc.) to occur; be open-minded and roll with punches; remember, even in the face of seeming disrespect, the crucial importance of unity within the Council.

    I know it would seem a bit unorthodox for a Viceroy Admin to dictate the law of the Council; however, if it is acceptable to you - and I can't see a reason why it wouldn't be - we can preserve the civility here in an easier way.

    As I supported John Kerry during his campaign, supported his views for our country, so I support his idea of the importance of unity. Join me now in making that a reality. And, if I must be the pioneer for this...

    Dante; Francesca - congratulations.

    Where has Council gone?

    In the beginning the Council was smaller and had a sense of unity that was the backbone of the "table".Now it seems that the Council has lost the path and some of the members that started it.The posts are more argumentative than helpful,more full of spite than care.Where has the wisdom and grace gone? Why does this happen more and more once something good is uncovered?If I were to go outside right now and trip over a box of jewlels and went to share them with everyone I know there would be those that would distort it into a show of pomposity rather than generosity.Let us try to help each other rather than shit in our cereal.Do you think it worth the time and trouble that it will take for us all to act like the adults that I know we are and let bygones be bygones and just exsit together in a peaceful mob.

    Wednesday, November 03, 2004

    Victory? Not For America.

    Well, the final hammer has been dropped. George W. Bush retains his position as president of the United States of America. This is a dark, dark day for our country.

    To ALL Bush voters:

    The blood of all the soliders in Iraq; the innocent people to be killed with more ‘pre-emptive’ strikes; it’s on YOUR hands.

    When decent people like Shark, and Pheonix’s husband are sent away to war to DIE for the wrong reasons when they didn’t have to; I blame YOU. That’s YOUR fault.

    The next person to blow their life savings on medicine or an operation; the next person to die of disease or injury because they couldn’t pay; is YOUR fault.

    The next gay person to be a victim of a hate crime, or hatred in general; the misery of couples who now must continue to struggle; is YOUR fault.

    When our Freedom of Speech disappears; it’s YOUR fault.

    The next person that can’t find a job; gets laid off and can’t find other work because of our job market; that’s YOUR fault.

    The next batch of jobs that are outsourced overseas and replaced with lower paying jobs for our citizens; that’s YOUR fault.

    Thousands of people who are now denied the right to choose with abortion; that’s YOUR fault.

    When middle-class individuals have to tighten their belts so much that they can’t even breathe to make ends meet; that’s YOUR fault.

    When most of our “great new jobs” only pay the frozen-in-place minimum wage of $5.15 per hour; that’s YOUR fault.

    The next time a person dies or succumbs to spinal injuries, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, cancer; when people in YOUR OWN FAMILIES – your friends, your loved ones, even your spouse – are diagnosed with these ailments and afflictions and there IS NO CURE available to save them, to help them; that’s YOUR fault.

    When there is no Social Security left for you or I when we are older; that’s YOUR fault.

    The “moral” man that you’ve elected and chosen is leading this country to ruin. For all his morality, for all his compassion for people, he’s nevertheless lacking in the intelligence and judgment that should be required of our leader. Yet you elected him anyway.

    Four more years of a horrible economy. Four more years of civil rights being trampled on. Four more years of right wing, conservative oppression for gays, women, and minorities. Four more years of struggling for the lower and middle classes. Four more years of further decline for our healthcare system. Four more years of money being stolen from Social Security, money that is supposed to go to help the elderly. Four more years of wars which cause the rest of the world to hate us. Four more years of soldiers dying unnecessarily; men and women with families, men and women with children. Four more years of the worst decisions defended as being right and justified. Four more years of the richest people in our country living like kings, while the rest of us struggle and suffer. Four more years and beyond without cures for several diseases, due to bans on Stem Cell research; in fact, four more years of good, decent people suffering when there could easily be hope for them, a cure for them.

    When all these things take place and more, you’ll complain about them. You’ll complain about them and you’ll see.

    “Steve, you just don’t know when to quit, do you? You’re completely wrong about all that, or at least partially wrong.”

    Yeah? You’ll see.

    In my political posts in the past, I’ve ended several times with “God bless America.” Now I say:

    God save America.

    Tuesday, November 02, 2004

    4 NEW Years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 100 UNDISPUTABLE Facts about the Bush Administration & 1 Opinion

  • On this Election Day, Bush supporters will tell you that Kerry is a flip-flopper, that he cannot be trusted with the security of our country. They will tell you that Kerry supporters believe that Kerry transcends fault, and that we who support Kerry blame everything on George W. Bush.

    I admit that not EVERY bad thing that has happened in this war is a direct result of Bush. However, do not forget how he rushed us into this war without the proper preparation to get the job done with the least amount of casualties. Do not forget about the way Bush LIED to the American people about WHY we were going into the war; and then later, in light of overwhelming evidence, boldly stated that he would do it all over again, the same way, had he known then what we know now – that he would repeat the mistake. Don’t forget how bad things have gotten for the middle class, with our jobs being shipped over seas. Do not forget the fact that Bush NEVER served in a war himself, but is so very eager to send other people’s children and fathers and mothers to war and put them at risk. Do not lose sight of the fact that even though good is being done in Iraq, the war is costing our country heavily. Do not lose sight of the fact that we began this “War On Terror” with a campaign against Al-Qaeda, and then suddenly attacked a country that had absolutely NOTHING to do with the 9/11 terror attacks. Do not forget the fact that under his watch, our healthcare system has fallen and is failing fast. Do not forget the fact that Bush has other pre-emptive strikes in mind for the future; he holds fast and true to his methods of how to lead his war, and he doesn’t plan on stopping it.

    They attack Kerry’s military record; at least Kerry HAS a record that shows that he was willing to put his own life on the line for the U.S. And no one can dispute that Vietnam was a war we should never have fought in the first place, and Kerry knew it then, before most people, and did the right and honorable thing; and Bush and Bush-supporters attack that (except for Francesca, of course). They attack Kerry on the flip-flopping issue; at least Kerry is a man who can alter and update his opinions and positions in light of new evidence, unlike Bush, who would defend colossal mistakes no matter what.

    Friends…Council members…you can’t honestly tell me that Bush has done a good job leading our nation. Forget about the war, set that aside. Look at the state of our country RIGHT HERE and NOW. Everything is falling apart. Just think of how damaging four more years with Bush in office could be. The right choice for president today, the ONLY good choice, is John Kerry. The absolute wrong choice is George W. Bush. You’ll either know that fact today, or a year or two down the line when he’s ruining this country further. You’ll know Kerry is the right man for the job, either way, sooner or later. Wouldn’t you rather know it sooner? Wouldn’t you rather vote for the right man?

    I am not an unintelligent drone like most people would lead you to believe, or like most voters you’ll run into at the polls. I was behind Bush in the days and weeks after 9/11 – I supported our president, and argued in his favor many times. I have researched the facts and looked at the hard evidence. I am NOT a democrat. I am NOT a republican. Like my parents, I vote for the man, not the party. And because of that, I always, without fail, seek out every angle that I can, so I don’t make the wrong choice. Bush, overall, is the wrong choice. Dante stated, in his most recent posting on the Council, and I quote:

    “Now go out and Vote Bush!!!!! BUSH IN 04 SEIG HILE!!!!!!!!!!”

    I couldn’t agree more, Dante…seig hile is EXACTLY the right thing to say about George W. Bush.

    IF you love our country, and what it stands for, vote for individual freedoms. Vote for freedom of speech, and the right to live your life on your OWN ideals, instead of the ideals of one man. Vote for a better tomorrow. Vote for the safety of our country. Vote for the safety of our boys at war. Vote for a better job market. Vote for a better economy. Vote for JOHN KERRY!!!!!!!!!!!

    **ADDITION** Originally posted as a comment on Pheonix's post:

  • Council Chambers - Pheonix: Fear For This Country

  • "IF you love our country, and what it stands for, vote for individual freedoms. Vote for freedom of speech, and the right to live your life on your OWN ideals, instead of the ideals of one man. Vote for a better tomorrow. Vote for the safety of our country. Vote for the safety of our boys at war. Vote for a better job market. Vote for a better economy. Vote for JOHN KERRY!!!!!!!!!!!"

    The above was part of my post "4 NEW Years" and I believe every word of it. I agree with you that Kerry, like all politicians, is not above personal motive and saying things to become elected. But do not forget that Bush and his administration is the reason things have gotten so bad; the reason that now, more than EVER before, the rest of the world hates the United States of America. We did not have this fear under the presidency of Bill Clinton. We did not have this fear under the presidency of George Bush Sr., although we DID have war. Bush Jr. is the ONLY president to actually USE the power of pre-emption, and unfortunately, we are now on dark times that seem to only grow darker over the horizon.

    I vote for Kerry not because I believe he is some righteous savior, exempt of being polluted or free from hypocrisy; I vote for Kerry because it's a chance for a better tomorrow. Under Bush, we will have four more years of turmoil and misery and an even worse fate after four years - a mess that we, in all likelihood, cannot fix or clean up. I'm not saying things aren't bad now, but it's better NOW than it WILL BE in four more years. With John Kerry, our great nation has the opportunity to begin a clean-up of the terrible messes caused by the as-of-now current administration.

    I understand your fears. I hear them. I share some of them. But unlike you, I have not lost my hope, and I know my voice can make a difference. I see the truth in front of my eyes; unhindered by propaganda, untainted by mud-slinging. I look at the hard facts of Kerry and of Bush. I see all that Bush has done. I see what Bush's administration has done to healthcare, to stem-cell research, to basic civil rights, to our soliders, to our nation's economy. I see all that Kerry has done that can be legitimately questioned; not the war-record, not the flip-flopping - but the questionable senate record. I look at all of it, setting aside all else, and I weigh the pros and the cons of having each in office. Bush has, UNDENIABLY, racked up an infinitely HIGHER list of cons than Kerry has. There IS a lesser of two evils. There IS a hope for our country.

    That hope is John Kerry. If you truly pray for our country, for Peter's future, for the life of your husband; then I join you in your prayers, for I believe that God will see us through this rough time. I believe that your prayers will be answered and John Kerry will be elected.

    Monday, November 01, 2004

    It only takes one person

    I've felt like hell all day (physically and mentally) and I haven't had much patience, either. Consequently, I snapped at an obnoxious male friend because instead of just letting me sleep, he kept trying to see if I was all right. I'm really glad that he cares, I just didn't feel like being bothered, and I'll apologize tomorrow. Tonight there was also a surprise party for one of my neighbors and a friend woke me up so that I could go. On the way back to my room, I ran into one of my classmates and she told me she'd come check on me later. She brought me a little tea tray complete with two different teas, chewy candy and sugar. What a sweetheart...I already feel that much better because someone cared enough to do something nice for me.

    I really don't know why I am posting this here, except to say that people do notice and appreciate when people do little things like that to brighten their day. So to everyone out there that goes the extra mile, thanks a lot.

    ...message to deliver...

    Tomorrow is November 2nd. It is the day when we discover who our president will be for the next four years. I have done all I can do to help the cause of our nation. I’ve posted on Quilled Scripts, I’ve posted here, I’ve posted on blogs created just on the off-chance that someone might read and be enlightened, I’ve posted on political forums…now, the hour of truth is upon us. I have my all-black outfit all ready to go in the event that Bush is re-elected. I could go on and on about why, but the simple truth is: he’s the worst president this country has ever had. No one can convince me otherwise, and no one can prove otherwise, because they CAN'T disprove that statement. It has to be John Kerry. It has to be. I have avoided saying what I’m about to say just because I felt it a little harsh, but…a vote for Bush means taking responsibility, in part, for his continued fuck-ups. You become responsible for the next unnecessary death of a solider. You’re responsible for more people losing their healthcare. You’re responsible for more jobs being taken from our citizens, and replaced by jobs with less pay and no benefits. You’re responsible for the demise of freedom of speech. You’re responsible for the innocents slaughtered with Bush’s next pre-emptive strike. You're responsible for the next person that has to struggle to make ends meet, to even FIND decent work. You’re responsible for letting this man continue to out-right ruin the United States of America. That's a lot of responsibility. Yeah, I know, that’s a really ballsy and harsh statement for me to make. But it’s what I believe. I’m not going to hate anyone who votes for Bush; but I WILL believe what I just said, and I will stand by it.

    I know that may piss some people off. But it doesn't stop it from being true.

    Make America great again. Vote John Kerry.